This is meeee

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My (not so) Flashy Flash

Well I didnt have time to be creative with these exercises but I did manage to do some basic stuff in Flash CS3 Professional. Hopefully I'll get more familiar with it before my 30 day trial is up.

You can see them following the links below:

The banner is not doing exactly what I wanted so I'll keep playing with it.

When I used the Publish option in Flash, the html it produced presents me with the alert "This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js" (where do I get it?) but the cookie cutter code as per Tizag Tutorial works fine so I modified and used that instead.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


JavaScript Challenges

I love doing these exercises! Its taken me a while but I'm actually starting to feel comfortable with this stuff - and I like it!! I'll be going back to my Contact Form soon and pimping it out with all my newly acquired skills... Its gonna be da bomb lol.

Ok... enough excitement... I've completed four challenges so far and my stuff works so check it out below:

Challenge 1 - Peekaboo Elements - Hiding/Showing Elements
Challenge 2 - 'Same as Above' Postal Address Boxes - with Disable and Enable
Challenge 3 - Radio Buttons and Check Boxes - Making sure a selection has been made
Challenge 4 - Better Input Validation - In-line error messages instead of Pop-up alerts


Sunday, May 6, 2007



Finally! my Contact Form is working with only one pop-up at the end. Now I want to get the email address checked for illegal characters and maybe have the error messages show beside the form elements rather than have a pop-up at all. I might even keep playing with it to get a valid length and illegal characters for the username and a password etc... help meeee :)

Sites I admire:

Hmm... well I had a look around the TAFE site and I have to say I really admire Rany's page! Well done Rany .. I love your gradients and i really like the 'cleanness' of your profile page in particular .. you've done so well in such a short time .. I now have no defense at all for my lame first attempts lol.

I also had a look what the Digital Media students have been up to. Gavin Woodhouse's site is great. Appears very artistic to me. The colors he used for his navigation buttons look really impressive on each of the different coloured backgrounds .. simple and clean design .. I like it a lot.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ok.. so I didnt give up...

Having already completed the assignment for the Black Square Problem last year, I decided to present it as a JavaScript gallery as suggested anyway. The thing I learned from this exercise was how good it is to cut and paste scripts :) hmmm but seriously I searched and located a number of scripts for the slideshow and this was the one I was most comfortable with as far as my understanding of variables and functions. It was easy enough to edit the array and I can see how it all works. I obtained this script from

You can see my flowchart that represents my design of the 'web application' exercise here. I hope this is right coz, as usual, it took me a while to get my head around it but I made it look pretty at least.

WooHoo... Check out my Login Form here! So simple when you know how. Thank you so much for the blow-by-blow analysis... some blondes really need you to talk slowly like this lol and I must say I finally feel motivated again and a little more confident to have another go at my Contact Form. Hopefully it will be working like a dream by next blog.

I didnt go to the web pages that suck site coz my own pages suck enough so I will tell you the thing I hate most about Hell Aint Cool is the large, comic font I used for starters. I also hate the background pattern and colour on the link buttons. Maybe plain red text would look better. I like my background and I kinda like my lil fiery devil guy coz he's a cool animation but I hate the animated heading now ... less is more as they say. Anyway, basically the whole design of this site sucks big time and I intend to fix it good when I can.

As for The Ploughman ... well I hate the ugly background and the uglierrr buttons on this site as well. I like the font but its hard to read with the colours. I can improve this site a lot too if only I had the tiiiime. Both these sites definitely show a lack of design intelligence but in defense of myself I'm thinking they were an ok attempt for self-taught basic html.

I'm out of time. Will have to comment on sites I admire in another blog - and they wont be mine lol.