This is meeee

Sunday, June 24, 2007


While I managed to get through some Flash exercises without much problem, when it comes to making an actual site with cool buttons etc, I am totally confused :(

You can see my Interface Design Plan (aka waffle) here in .pdf format. I haven't made a diagram of the navigation plan yet and I still haven't made a prototype button - slack I know - but it's all too hard :P

Anyway... the navigation will link to every page from every page and the button will be a fade in and out one with changing colours and a very small animation of fire like this from my original site.

You can see the page roughs at the end of the Plan and I hope to add the navigation diagram and button prototype soon.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Plan an Interface Design

Its 10 minutes before you call!
Here's some basic ideas to re-design my old self taught site that sucks.
Im having trouble wording the constraints coz I'm trying to hurry (and scoffing a hamburger). Will upload the waffle tonight re intended audience and objectives etc. or I'll email what I have already when we chat.
This template is awsome in Flash and I think perfect for my metaphor "Hell Aint Cool".
(whats a metaphor? lol and can I just buy the template and use it for the project :)) heheh