Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning
---Rich Cook
Didnt do much at all this week but did manage to change my index links, create a link to the Creative Commons licence for my video sequence, and linked back to all the pics and music used giving attribution to the owners and creators of the original images etc.
Also, while in my bad mood, I've gone out and purchased a shit load of text books, the first of which I highly recommend - How to do Everything with Javascript by Scott Duffy - wow - I'm reading it from cover to cover (who the hell reads a text book from cover to cover??)
Anyway, I can hardly put it down. Its very well written and is really giving me a better
understanding of the terminology and the program flow. At a quick glance, it looks like it has some good stuff on the DOM too.
---Rich Cook
Didnt do much at all this week but did manage to change my index links, create a link to the Creative Commons licence for my video sequence, and linked back to all the pics and music used giving attribution to the owners and creators of the original images etc.
Also, while in my bad mood, I've gone out and purchased a shit load of text books, the first of which I highly recommend - How to do Everything with Javascript by Scott Duffy - wow - I'm reading it from cover to cover (who the hell reads a text book from cover to cover??)
Anyway, I can hardly put it down. Its very well written and is really giving me a better
understanding of the terminology and the program flow. At a quick glance, it looks like it has some good stuff on the DOM too.

Image : Rachel Sian : "Reading"
The other two books that make up my Alphabet Soup Library are HTML, XHTML & CSS by Elizabeth Castro and PHP5/MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner by Andy Harris - they look like they're gonna be a great permanent reference too. You gotta love a hard copy resource - I know I do!
This is waffle... maybe next week will be better...
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